Content Screens
Common Content Screen Settings
A few common features across some Content Screens are explained below:
- Points: Use Points option to assign a score for each question. It can be found on the top right of content screens.
- Description: It can be used to add information or instructions for a content screen.
- Question Text: This is the area to insert a Question for MCQ, MCA, Short Text, Single-line Input and Voice Input.
- Media: Use the drop-down menu to add image, audio, or video for a content screen.

Some common content screen features
- Feedback: Once the user finishes a quiz, if the setting is such that they can see the results, whatever is mentioned in Feedback is shown below the user's response
- Timer: Set the timer for a question here.
- Enable Markdown: Enabling this renders the content in Markdown. This is particularly useful while writing code, etc. Note that the entire content screen, including the options, get rendered as Markdown.
- Negative Points: If a user submits the wrong answer, the assigned points will be deducted from the total score. If you want to deduct 2 points, write 2 and not -2
- Cannot Skip: Select the Cannot Skip feature to make a question mandatory. Users will not be able to proceed to the next question, or submit the quiz, without attempting mandatory questions.

Advanced Settings
Updated 16 Aug 2023

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