
Content Hierarchy


Content in Socratease is organised at different levels. From top to bottom, the hierarchy is:

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At the highest level in the hierarchy is a Course. If you are selling content as a package, for example, you would typically sell a Course. For example, a Course could be something like World History. Or, say, French Level 5 Quizzes.


A Course is typically made up of different Modules. For example, if the Course is World History, the modules can be like Bronze AgeRenaissanceWorld Wars, etc.


A Module is made up of Units. For a Module like World Wars, the units can be World War 1World War 2Disarmament, etc. There are three kinds of Units: Lessons, Quizzes and Videos.

Courses can also be made up of Units directly. For example, for the Course French Level 5 Quizzes, the units can be Quiz 1, Quiz 2, etc.
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Content Screens

A Content Screen is the smallest individual piece of content on Socratease. A single Multiple-Choice Question is a Content Screen. A set of Content Screens form a Unit. For example, a Quiz Unit can consist of many Multiple-Choice Questions.

Updated 03 Mar 2023
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